Merry Christmas
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As the year slides to a close, we want to thank all our friends, suppliers and clients for another great year. It continues to be fun working on your projects.
Communicating our clients’ needs and making them stand out among all the noise with clarity and distinction continues to be what motivates us.
May you all enjoy the holiday time with family and friends and we look forward to working with you in 2019.
On Location
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Having great photos of your business can really improve the quality of your corporate brochure or website.
Wether you’re making stairs, like Dekker Stairs in the photo above, or processing claims, or shipping bananas, environmental on-location photos can do a lot to establish who you are and what you do.
On location is sometimes the best place for corporate photos. If you make stairs, like Steve Dekker, where better to take your corporate photo than beside the construction of a custom set of stairs?
Mississaugua Golf & Country Club
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Geddie Photo has done considerable photography in and around the magnificent Mississaugua Golf & Country Club to provide a library of photos for their publications, social media and a new website.
We have considerable experience photographing golf courses, and it’s a photo assignment that requires careful timing along with an understanding of golf course design.
Winter Wonder
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Golf course photography isn’t nearly as much fun in the winter, but it’s easier to capture sunrise photos because the sun doesn’t appear until so much later. Even then there’s a tranquil beauty in such a special place.
Shooting in the winter, with the cold blue light that comes with sub-zero temperatures and snow, combined with the golden glow at sunrise, presents a whole new palette of colours.
Logo Refresh
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Every logo deserves a review and occasionally a refreshing. We developed the original logo for the Hospice Niagara 5 Car Draw, but after six years it looked like time for an overhaul.
We redrew the logo to make it look simpler and cleaner. And we also introduced a new, fresh colour palette for the artwork of the 2015 lottery.
Can we help you refresh your look?
Improved Image
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Handing out black and white photocopies of menus isn’t a very good way to encourage banquet sales and rentals. We’re working on a new series of banquet brochures for a private club, and what better way to show the professionalism of the facility than through new photographs of the staff and the facilities? Great photos are just one component of a well designed brochure, but one that is oh-so-necessary.
Isaac Brock Wants You to the Archives
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David Sharron, Brock Archivist and Doug Geddie hold the original artwork used in the Isaac Brock Wants You recruitment campaign.
The Isaac Brock Wants You campaign of the late 1970’s was an attempt to add personality and history to a young Ontario university. It was a fun and aggressive promotion that helped position Brock as a viable educational choice.
We kept much of the original artwork from that campaign, and as Brock is entering it’s 5oth Anniversary year, it seemed like an appropriate time to donate Isaac and his friends to the Brock University Archives.
The whole story about the donation and the development of the “Isaac Brock Wants You” campaign can be found on the Brock University News site, here.
Nipissing University – Targetting Recruitment Initiatives
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Arthur Stephen, Head of Consulting, and I spent several days visiting Nipissing University in May, and several weeks compiling a report of recommendations to assist them with their marketing and external relations. Our report ranges from organizational suggestions through to specific promotional material recommendations.
Nipissing has some fabulous marketing initiatives put together by a loyal and hard-working team in their External Relations office. Most of it currently operates under the theme-line, Right Where I Belong. This brilliant tag focusses on selfie pictures of students in the Nipissing setting and reinforces the university’s strength of a “quality teaching/learning experience”.
Corporate Communications
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Attracting new clients or new members often begins with better communications with your existing clients or members. We’re assisting a Golf Club with their member communications, which includes an improved web presence and an improved social media presence. Better communications with clients and members turns them into better informed ambassadors for you. And word of mouth is the best advertising possible!
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